Dance for Peace • Charity Gala Performance for Ukraine


Charity Gala Performance



Alle inntekter fra billetter går direkte til veldedighet for Ukraina.

Pris på billett er 300, 500 er 1000 kr, avhengig av hvor mye du ønsker å donere.

Det finnes 60 plasser.

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Statement fra initiativtaker og ballettdanser Maiko Nishino -

We are group of artists that would like to support Ukraine by having a Gala Performance where all ticket proceeds will go to Ukraine. The performance is an opportunity for us as a group of artists in Norway to express our solidarity.

Welcome to Hos Arne, and an evening to share some hope, magic and love with our art.

To touch, to care, to feel, to heal!

The program will consist of excerpts from famous ballets along with orchestral music and opera.

3rd act bedroom pas de deux from Romeo and Juliet (Michael Corder), Lensky solo from Onegin (John Cranko), Le Parc (Angelin Preljocai), Swan lake 2nd act adagio (Marius Petipa).

Also a mix of concert pieces will be performed by the singer and musicians

Håper vi sees,

Hos Arne